
I decided it was time to have some form of backups in place. Currently all I’m really (automatically) backing up is the WordPress MySQL table since it’s the thing to changes on a regular basis. Everything else on this server can be backed up by hand when/if I make changes. It would be faster if/when something does fail (hard drive most likely) to have a recent full backup image to restore from, but really, a good backup of the MySQL table(s), a backup of important configuration files (since they rarely change, I back them up manually after change(s)), and a backup up various directories that’d be nice to restore quickly (most of which change infrequently.
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Pleased with Server’s Performance

I have to say, my server is performing beyond my initial expectations! I think I have everything tweaked to not use massive amounts of RAM (coughMySQLcough.) Here’s how the free -m currently looks: $ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 121 90 31 0 2 46 -/+ buffers/cache: 41 80 Swap: 1121 14 1107 As you can see, it’s doing pretty good. I’ve even upped the maximum simultaneous Apache connections since it seems to be able to handle that a better now (rather then bringing the server to its knees when something like 10-15 people tried to access it at once.
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Spam and Server stuff

So, I’ve only been up for about three weeks and I’ve already got my first spam comment (which is why I moderate all comments ATM.) Also, it was kind of strange, I went to go here at work today and I wasn’t able to connect. So, I logged into my router. I thought that my iptables were screwy again, so I started trying to fix them by hand. Deleted a rule and BAM no more connectivity to my router (at all.
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